Good evening everyone, I’m Abu Kazi.
I like to talk about what I am holding in my hand. This is a globe.
If you look at this globe from the space it looks round.
If you look it on the ground it looks flat.
If you look this closely you will see this globe has a different shape. I see this as two hemispheres. By the way, hemisphere means half of a round ball.
Now, this globe is divided into two parts. I live in one part I called it Lucky and I personally considered myself as privileged.
I have a very good reason to work for charity. I am here today, because of an American Charity worker who helped me to survive during my first day in the world. I born in a situation where the doctor told my family that I may not survive. She is an American doctor named Dr. Gilbert who left the USA and dedicated her life in charity work for Bangladesh. Dr. Fidelia Gilbert, a life-long missionary who served at the church's hospital in Bogra, Bangladesh. On October 29, 1938, she sailed for Bogra, India under the Board of Missions of the Churches of God of North America. The early years of her practice there, she functioned as a general practitioner, using her bedroom as an office and examining the room. At that time, Dr. Gilbert was the only female physician for 200 miles around. In 1941, a mobile clinic was built, permitting weekly clinics to be set up in the villages. In 1955, a maternity hospital and clinic had been built and a children’s ward added by 1969.
Secondly, many of us born in a poor country where very few people got the chance to have a good life and a good education. However, we are lucky to have a good life and good education in Bangladesh.
Next, I am lucky to be migrated in the USA. It is not easy to get a US visa for a prospect migrant. If Mr. Trump knew my true intention, I will be banned from getting in the US. Not only we come to the USA, but all of us also settled successfully and having a good life. We all have everything to be happy.
Now I will talk about the other part of the globe which is unfortunate. When people were born in that globe, they thought they are lucky, living can be fun! however, they have a hard time to survive.
Millions of people in this world go to sleep with little or no food to eat. They suffer from malnutrition and hard conditions of life. They do not have access to clean water. They do not have proper sanitation. They do not have an education either.
I have seen tears in the hollow eyes of many street children in Bangladesh.
I have seen how a hungry child begs for food. I have seen how they are eating from dustbins, drinking dirty water.
I have seen children are trembling in cold, sleeping on cold soil.
I have seen children are suffering from sickness, open cuts, and wounds with no healthcare.
I realize that we are living in a world that needs great change. To make a little change we created HelpAHand.org. We feel so happy to give a helping hand to our unlucky friends. Since last year has been constantly working on fundraising and implementing charity projects.
As you know about one million Refugee from Myanmar fled to Bangladesh to save their life. Last year HelpaHand.org done five relief campaigns along with Bangladesh Army in various Relief Camp. We have done a month-long medical camp for the Rohingya refugee in Bangladesh.
During last Thanksgiving, we provided dinner in an Orphanage in Bangladesh. We are constantly working on new project and new initiatives to help these unlucky people. 100% of our donations are going to charity.
In closing, I wish to thank all of you, our sponsors and donors, for your donations. I am grateful to you all for your love and support for HelpAHand.org. Some of you promoted this event with your love and passion for helping these poor people. Today some of you drove 100s of a mile to attend this event. Some of you declined other appointments and parties to attend this program.
Personally, I like to thank Mr. Alex Perriello for coming here to be our guest of honor. Mr. Alex, you gave us the strength and lights to serve the people in need. We are so lucky to have you here. Thank you for investing efforts in our organization. Your generous support will go to good use, and we’ll update you throughout the year with program announcements and special events.
I like to thank from my heart to Simi Bhabi and Kutubi Bhai for coming from 100 miles away to perform for this charity event. You spend many hours for this charity concert.
We have a person who sacrificed his Team New England game for this event and comes here all the way from Boston. I like to thank Dr. Ehsan for flying Founder and CEO of Distress Children International for doing excellent charity work in Bangladesh.
I like to thank Mr. Laurel Dalsted from International Rescue Committee in San Diego for coming to this event and implementing the life-saving charity project in Yemen.
I must mention a few names like Dr. Abo Nasar, I am surprised to see he loves charity work more than his medical practice.
Mosih Bhai you gave me good advice and inspiration and power to work for charity.
Thank you, Anis Bhai. I never saw a human bee who works like a bee for our charity hive.
Dr. Sheli Apa, you love this event so much that it seems like your own event.
Farhat Bhabi you are the true guide for this event from the day of start to end.
Faruk Bhai, you shed us, support us like a Banyan Tree.
Taru Bhai thank you for your day night support for the charity.
Juber Bhai my fellow Canadian, Thank you for your support and advice all the way.
My loving younger brother Dr. Jafor and his wife Moutushi, without your help I am not able to do this program.
I like to thank members of NCPA for working day and night for this event. I like to thank my Shomo Bhai and my beautiful wife Anna for helping me with good suggestion and planning for this event.
Let's go on building the bonds of friendship and goodness through cooperation like this event with mutual respect.
Mother Teresa says We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love.
I believe as one person, I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.
Thank you all for being with us, joining us, and supporting Helpahand.org. Thank you all!