Any non-profit charitable organizations interested in partnering with HelpAHand are now requested to submit a formal application for possible funding. HelpAHand will consider any project that deals with improving the socio-economic condition of the underprivileged people. However, preference would be given to projects focused on education & healthcare of the children and vocational and life-skill training. Projects in the villages and on-going projects that can clearly demonstrate the need/opportunity for expansion but have been unable to do so because of lack of funding would also be preferred.
Projects will be selected for funding based on merit, the requesting organization’s credibility and its prior experience in performing similar charity work. HelpAHand funding is not available for organizations run by individuals or those organizations that do not have a track record. All organizations seeking funding from HelpAHand.org, the project proposals may be submitted through email or mail. The proposal must clearly delineate how HelpAHand funding will be used to expand the charity work.

Mar'23: Dinner Giving @ Dhaka City $1,026
We are serving Dinner to street people of Dhaka during month of Ramadan. Want to join me in supporting a good cause? I'm raising money for Helpahand.org and your contribution will make an impact.

Mar'23: Dinner Giving @ Chitagong City $ 2,000
We are serving Dinner to street people of Dhaka during month of Ramadan. Want to join me in supporting a good cause? I'm raising money for Helpahand.org and your contribution will make an impact.

Feb'23: Help Turkey Earthquake Victims @ IRC $230
Ten thousands of people have been killed and many more injured after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Turkey on Monday, just 50 miles from the Syrian border. Since the earthquake there have been hundreds of aftershocks. The strongest was 7.5 magnitude, adding to the devastation.

Jan'23: Winter Jacket Giving @ Chyatol School $937
Every life is precious, and you can provide limitless joy to a Street Kid @ Chyatal School this winter. Winter is a time when we think about getting cozy, wearing warm clothes, turning the heating on and drinking hot beverages, but for those in need the reality is very different. For them, the lack of warm clothing, adequate shelter and heating means that winter represents very real life-threatening challenges.

Jun'22: Dinner Giving @ Dhaka City $1,071
Bangladesh's poor hit hard by COVID-19 outbreak as lock-down are imposed, low-income people is out of work and struggle to survive. HelpAHand is serving free dinner every day in Dhaka slum and surrounding area.

May'22: Capital Donation for Handicap Vendor Johurul (In Progress)
Bangladesh's poor hit hard by COVID-19 outbreak as lock-down are imposed, low-income people is out of work and struggle to survive. HelpAHand is serving free dinner every day in Dhaka slum and surrounding area.

Apr'22: Stand with Flood Affected Children in Sylhet $1,316
Heavy rains have caused widespread flooding in parts of Bangladesh leaving millions stranded and at least 57 dead. about 2 million people have been marooned by the worst floods in the country’s north-east for nearly two decades. Millions of people across Bangladesh have been affected by floods caused by monsoon rains.

Jun'21: Ramadan Dinner Giving @ Dhaka City $2,052
Bangladesh's poor hit hard by COVID-19 outbreak as lock-down are imposed, low-income people is out of work and struggle to survive. HelpAHand is serving free dinner every day in Dhaka slum and surrounding area.

Feb'21: Education Donation @ Chyatal School $622
Bangladesh's poor hit hard by COVID-19 outbreak as lock-down are imposed, low-income people is out of work and struggle to survive. HelpAHand is serving free dinner every day in Dhaka slum and surrounding area.

Jan'21 Help Children of Burned Dhaka Slum @ Dhaka City $1,322
Can you imagine how someone feel when his or her home burned down? Recently three slums in Dhaka city were burned down. One of the slums was home of 13 Chayatal students. Now, the students are sleeping by the roadside with no food, no shed, no cloth, or a warm bed. We HelpAHand like to bring some comfort to them, so that they can continue the education.

Corona: Relief Truck @ Dhaka City
Bangladesh's poor hit hard by COVID-19 outbreak as lockdowns are imposed, low-income people is out of work and struggle to survive. HelpAHand is buying Rice, Lentils, and essential food for these poor people. We will provide basic essentials for poorest of people in at least 4 locations in Bangladesh – Central: a slum in Dhaka and a suburb area.

Corona: Relief Distribution 1 @ Chayatal
Bangladesh's poor hit hard by COVID-19 outbreak as lockdowns are imposed, low-income people is out of work and struggle to survive. HelpAHand is buying Rice, Lentils, and essential food for these poor people. We will provide basic essentials for poorest of people in at least 4 locations in Bangladesh – Central: a slum in Dhaka and a suburb area.

Thanksgiving Dinner @Chayatal
Thanksgiving was born not from a Pilgrim feast with Native Americans but in the height of the Civil War when President Abraham Lincoln designated the day to express appreciation for “the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies.” Yet as many of us sit down to enjoy a turkey dinner, it’s important to remember the millions of people who have little in the way of bounty to be grateful for. But perhaps the most powerful way to alleviate poverty-related stress in this Thanks Giving is by helping Chayatal, School for Street Children in Dhaka with education and nutrition.


Braille Educational Supply Giving @ Imam Foundation (Blind School)
Together we can shine a light for children who are blind and visually impaired. We created a world with no limits for children at IMAM Foundation, Dhaka, a Boarding School for the Blind Children. HelpAhand.org is buying various Blind Educational Equipment such as, Braille Typewriter, Braille Writing Slate with Stylus, Braille Math Teaching Slate and Cubes Kit & Folding Blind Cane. Your gift will make an immediate difference at critical moments in a young child’s life, with a payoff that lasts a lifetime.

2019 Kurbani Eid Meat & Spice Giving @ Chayatol
Millions of children in Bangladesh are failing to learn. To overcome this situation “Chayatal” a school for Street Child believes that achieving universal basic education is the single greatest step that can be taken towards the elimination of poverty. HelpAHand works with Chayatal Bangladesh on Kurbani Meat and spices giving to focus on a combination of education, child protection, and livelihood support to address the social, economic and structural issues that underpin today’s education crisis.

2019 EID Chad Raat Dinner @ Chayatol
Millions of children in Bangladesh are failing to learn. To overcome this situation “Chayatal” a school for Street Child believes that achieving universal basic education is the single greatest step that can be taken towards the elimination of poverty. HelpAHand works with Chayatal Bangladesh on various projects including this EID Chad Ratt to focus on a combination of education, child protection, and livelihood support to address the social, economic and structural issues that underpin today’s education crisis.

2019 EID Dress Giving @ Chayatol
Millions of children in Bangladesh are failing to learn. To overcome this situation “Chayatal” a school for Street Child believes that achieving universal basic education is the single greatest step that can be taken towards the elimination of poverty. HelpAHand works with Chayatal Bangladesh on various projects including this EID Dress Giving to focus on a combination of education, child protection, and livelihood support to address the social, economic and structural issues that underpin today’s education crisis.

2019 EID Chad Raat Dinner @ FFC
Families for Children (FFC) is a nonprofit Orphanage serving children with physical and/or mental disabilities by providing housing, education, special medical care and vocational training in Dhaka and India. HelpAHand.org is working with Families for Children to organize the EID Chad Raat, EID Dinner and EID Dress giving at Families for Children (FFC).

2019 Charity Concert for Yemen & Bangladesh
Yemen, one of the Arab world's poorest countries, has been devastated by civil war. HelpAHand.org is organizing a Charity Concert for Yemen & Bangladesh on February 2nd, 2019 in San Diego to fight the hunger. All Proceeds from this event will be donated to Children of Yemen and Bangladesh through Rescue International and Distress Children’s International.

2018 Thanksgiving Dinar @FFC
Thanksgiving was born not from a Pilgrim feast with Native Americans but in the height of the Civil War when President Abraham Lincoln designated the day to express appreciation for “the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies.” Yet as many of us sit down to enjoy a turkey dinner, it’s important to remember the millions of people who have little in the way of bounty to be grateful for. But perhaps the most powerful way to alleviate poverty-related stress in this Thanks Giving is by helping the Families For Children an orphanage in Dhaka with education and nutrition.

2018 Rohingya Relief @MoonLight
HelpAHand.org first worked in Bangladesh in 2017. HelpAHand.org has run a medical facility and a clinic Refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar district, offering comprehensive necessary and emergency health care, as well as inpatient services to Rohingya refugees and the local community.